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Service & Support

Vhu - Universal Boring and Facing Heads - Vhu 36, Vhu 56, Vhu 80, Vhu 110, Vhu 125,
Vhu 160


Service instructions


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)






Vhu - legend

5 - safety pin

6 - braking ring

27 - slide

34 - adjusting screw with scale

41 - worm with scale

46 - body

50 - stopping bar

VK - exchangeable taper shank




205bh - Precision boring head for CNC machien.


Service instructions

Řezná destička TPGT - ISO

Řezná destička TOGT - WOHLHAUPTER

Cutting tip TPGT - ISO



Frequently asked questions (FAQ)




  205bh - Fine boring head - legend

205bh - legend

1 - body

2 - slide

5 - worm with scale

18 - locking bolt

19 - locking bolt of boring tool

VK - exchangeable taper shank VK MSK AD34


Vhs, Vh - Adjustable boring head, Precision boring head


Service instructions for Vhs

Service instructions for Vhs

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


  Vhs - legenda

Vhs - legend

1 - body

2 - slide

3 - screw with scale

4 - locking bolt of slide

5 - locking bolt of boring tool

VK - exchangeable taper shank type VK360 and VK801


Vh - legend

1 - body

2 - slide

3 - operating screw

5 - carrier pin

10 - changing of accuracy adjustment

11 - screws for fixing shanks VK

VK - exchangeable taper shank type VK360 and VK801


SVn - Modular boring system


Service instructions


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)





SVn - legend

1 - body

2 - arm

3 - boring unit (tool)

VK - exchangeable taper shank type milling arbour

Way of the dimension adjustment

  • by the regulating engine (adjuster)

  • by the check gauges ("Johansson")

Basic operations

  • boring of the round holes from Ø 105 to Ø 600 mm with accuracy IT7 with finishing element

Enlargement of possibilities

  • Using of finishing element SANDVIK (micrometric adjustment)

  • Using of counterbalance during finishing operations (boring by micrometric element)


FUH - Milling angle heads


Service instructions


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)




  Fuh PVI - Legenda

Fuh PVI - legend

1 - body

2 -spindle headstock

3 - spindle

4 - arresting armn

5 - arresting pin

7 - scale α

8 - scale β

9 - screw

10 - šroub

11- spring collet

12 - taper shank

  Fuh FXI - legenda

Fuh PVI - legend

1 - body

3 - spindle

4 - arresting arm

5 - arresting pin

6 - pin

8 - scale β

10 - screw

12 - taper shank


ZP-10/X - Spindlespeeder


Service instructions


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)



ZP-10/X - legend

1 - garland

2 - spindle

3 - collet nut

4 - arresting device

5 - arresting pin

7 - collet

12 - taper shank


RTH - Reversible tapping head


Service instructions


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)



  RTH - legenda

RTH - legend

2 - locking screw

3 - clutch sleeve

11 - chuck

13 - collet type RUBBER FLEX BJ

14 - collet nut

16 - stop bar holder

22 - tap


Zhb - Safety tapping head


Service instructions

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)




  Zhb - legenda

Zhb - legend

1 - shank

2 - bush

3 - sleeve

16 - locking bolt

22 - tap

28 - screw


30 - nut


Zhp - Tapping heads type M610, M620, M630


Service instructions

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)



  Zhp M620/M630 - legenda Zhp M610 - legenda

M610, M620, M630 - legend

1 - self-locking bolt, 3 - nut, 5 - taper shank, 6 - quick change adaptor (bushing) with skidding clutch RK-M622, 7 - quick change adaptor (bushing) without skidding clutch RK-M621, 9 - bush tap, 11 - collets type M498, 12 - tap


Product repairing - informace o zajišťování oprav výrobků


NAREX MTE standardly provides repairs of produced and delivered products. There are guarantee repairs or normal non guarantee repairs. During repair is product dismounted, there are found defective parts and up to it is determined range and price of repair. After customer´s repair price confirmation are defected parts exchanged, product is again mounted and tested.

Repair speeding

For repair speeding and lower price is suitable to enclose to repair order letter with information about problems (during which conditions defects occurs or indicate required range of repair).

Repair ordering

For repair ordering you should send product for repair, order of repair and specifications of defects on our address:

NAREX MTE s.r.o.

sales department

Moskevska 659/63

CZ-101 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic

Information about repair

About repair you will be informed by e-mail or by phone, with any questions you can contact export department on phone: +420 246 002 249, e-mail:, fax: + 420 246 002 335


NAREX MTE s.r.o.

Moskevska 659/63

CZ-101 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic




+420-246 002 321

+420-246 002 249

+420-246 002 335

+420-246 002 343



  Technical support is at the disposal of you on phone +420 246 002 249 or you can contact us by e-mail: or by fax: +420 246 002 335.


Basic technical information you can find also on reference service.


NAREX MTE s.r.o.

Moskevska 659/63

CZ-101 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic




+420-246 002 321

+420-246 002 249

+420-246 002 335

+420-246 002 343



Vhu 80-D in wooden box


Wooden box - Vhu 80-D

  205bh - set 10-100mm + taper shank VKMSK  
205bh set 10÷100mm
  Vhs 10-125 set NAREX  
  Vhs 10-125 set  
  Vh 70 - basic set NAREX  
  Vh 70 - set  
  SVn 380 - boring NAREX  
  SVn 380 Ø260-380mm  
Display of products lines (quick reference)
  • Display of products lines (quick reference)

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